
Frequently Asked Question

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Our staff at TrueSmiles is committed to providing excellent dental care in a comfortable and soothing environment where patients can relax and feel at ease. Here, you will find information on what to expect during your first appointment along with links to patient and consent forms.

How often should I visit the dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings?

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Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are crucial for maintaining oral health. Most dentists recommend a visit every six months, but the frequency may vary based on individual oral health needs.

What can I do to prevent cavities and maintain good oral hygiene?

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Patients commonly seek advice on maintaining proper oral hygiene. Dentists typically emphasize regular brushing, flossing, and the use of fluoride-containing products. Dietary habits and lifestyle choices also play a role in preventing cavities.

Is teeth whitening safe, and what are the available options?

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Many individuals are interested in teeth whitening to enhance their smile. Patients often inquire about the safety of different whitening methods, including over-the-counter products and professional treatments. Dentists can provide guidance based on the patient's oral health.

What are the available options for replacing missing teeth?

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Patients who have lost teeth may ask about options for replacement. Dentists commonly discuss dental implants, bridges, and dentures, explaining the pros and cons of each option based on the patient's specific situation.

How can I manage tooth sensitivity?

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Tooth sensitivity is a common concern, and patients often seek advice on managing it. Dentists may recommend desensitizing toothpaste, changes in brushing techniques, or other interventions to address the underlying causes of sensitivity.

What is the importance of orthodontic treatment, and what are the available options?

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Individuals with misaligned teeth often inquire about orthodontic treatment. Dentists may discuss the importance of proper teeth alignment for oral health and aesthetics, and they may explain various options, such as traditional braces, clear aligners, or other orthodontic interventions.

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